A difficult place to plant because it experiences periods of extreme wet followed by long period of dry with blasting ambient heat from the pavement. Then in winter it is tortured by snow, ice, salt, plows and careless drivers. Not to mention run-off water mixed with petrol chemicals, dog pee-pee and whatever the neighbors can throw at it.

A seemingly innocent boulevard, but upon closer examination we see sand collecting from rain run-off. We can do better.

Water tests with a hose to see how the hydrology works. We have an inlet now.

A swale is cut through with a mound on the street side to prevent water running off and erosion into the street. Another mound in the high spot of sidewalk.

More water tests. Did our idea work? Repurpose all the rocks we dug out as dry creek elements.

Ready for planting.

Laying out plants. Wet loving species in the swale and dryer loving species on the mounds.

Ready to plant.

For this garden we opted for mulched leaves instead of woodchips.

The journey begins.

Looks a lot better than the turf that was here.

During rain events it collects water from the driveway and sidewalk and allows it to slowly permeate the ground instead of rushing off down the street to the pond.

Dynamic visuals even under snow.

Spring of the second year. Needs to be weeded and need to add a few more plant.

Summer of second season. Again, more plants and more blooms will make a stronger visual impact, but this garden is working!